Global Portfolios

Mashreq Global Balanced Fund

Investment Objective

The Mashreq Global Balanced Fund is a "Fund of Funds" (as defined in the CIR) and as such the investment objective of the Mashreq Global Balanced Fund is to deliver current high income by investing in a broad range of globally diversified investment funds (“Underlying Fund(s)”). The Underlying Funds will invest in the asset classes of equity, fixed income and alternative strategies (as described below) and will be geographically diversified. The Mashreq Global Balanced Fund does not have a benchmark, but has an annual absolute return target of 5% net of fees.

Fund Details

Fund  Manager Mashreq Capital (DIFC) Limited
Fund Type Open Ended Fund
Domicile DIFC, Dubai
Regulator The Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA)
Currency USD
Inception Date January 2, 2018
Registrar and Transfer Agent Apex Fund Services (Dubai) Ltd.
Custodian First Abu Dhabi Bank PJSC
Auditor Deloitte & Touche (M.E.)
Valuation date The Valuation Date  will be the close of business (UAE time) at each Business Day.
Dealing date (Subscription/Redemption) Each Business Day
Notice Periods (Subscription/Redemption) At least two Business Days prior to the desired Subscription /Redemption Date
Performance Fee NIL
Subscription  Fee Up to 5%
Redemption Fee A redemption fee of up to 2% of the Redemption Price
Redemption  thresholds Minimum redemption amount  of USD 50 and AED 100
Currency ISIN Type Bloomberg Ticker *Minimum
Management Fee Distribution Fee
AA USD AEDFXA3CN018 Accumulation MASGHIA UH 100 100 - - 0.20% 0.00%
AA AED AEDFXA03C372 Accumulation - - - 100 100 0.20% 0.00%
IA USD AEDFXA03C232 Accumulation MAMGBGI UH 100 100 - - 0.50% 0.50%
IA AED AEDFXA03C398 Accumulation - - - 100 100 0.50% 0.50%
BI USD AEDFXA3CI018 Income MASGHIB UH 100 100 - - 1.00% 0.20%
BI AED AEDFXA03C380 Income - - - 100 100 1.00% 0.20%
CI USD AEDFXA3CI026 Income MASGHIC UH 100 100 - - 1.20% 0.00%
Note *Kindly be advised that effective from 1st January 2018, all of the baove mentioned fees and charges will be subject to an additional 5% Value Added Tax.
*Please be informed that our business days are Monday to Friday unless the UAE Ministry of Labour or the DIFC Authority announce that such a day will be a holiday in the DIFC and, in relation to a particular Sub-Fund, such other place or places as may be specified in the relevant Annexure

Latest Monthly Factsheet

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